IT Corporate Business Case for Membership

The NYS Forum is the only organization of its kind. It is a network of state and local government organizations and information technology leaders and professionals concerned with information management, policy, and operations. The NYS Forum’s mission is to promote knowledge sharing and best practices for effective, efficient and secure use and management of information resources in New York State government at all levels.

The NYS Forum is managed by an Executive Director and a public/private board consisting currently of 9 government and 4 corporate members. The NYS Forum consists of corporate and government memberships. Members can participate in any (or all) workgroups - which consist of public and private NYS Forum members headed by both public and private co-chairs. Workgroups plan learning events and presentations on topics ranging from Project Management to Security to Procurement and much more.


Relationship Building

  • Meet both public and private technology, program and legislative professionals
  • Converse, interact and collaborate with NYS government IT and procurement officials
  • Learn about public sector priorities, strategic initiatives and challenges
  • Collaborate in a neutral environment, where state and local IT organizations and corporations come together to share knowledge and ideas that foster mutual understandings, facilitate public sector progress, and provide insight into what government can be for all of those it serves
  • Build valuable relationships among prime vendors, sub-contractors, MWBEs and SBEs
  • Build brand recognition
  • Maintain awareness of organizational changes in state government and vendor community
  • Enrich career development


  • Meet new colleagues; expand your state and local contacts; meet potential partners in a neutral environment
  • Strengthen current public-private relationships
  • Build business partnerships
  • Meet state certified MWBEs


  • All members can get involved in various work groups that form the nucleus of the organization's high-quality program design and efficient execution. The workgroups are led by productive teams of New York government and IT corporate leaders and each has executive sponsorship from the State. Each workgroup (listed below) is able to respond quickly and qualitatively to the education, policy, and research needs of New York's IT community.
  • Members can get involved with sponsoring educational meetings and events where knowledge is exchanged between public and private entities.
  • Workgroups provide an opportunity to identify and discuss common issues and implement initiatives that directly benefit the state’s workforce and improve the government’s ability to fulfill their missions.
  • Workgroups provide an avenue for state employees and corporate members to share information and identify issues on common topics including security, cloud computing, business continuity, etc.