The Forum Welcomes Chief Information Officer for SUNY Brian Digman and Chief Information Officer of NYSERDA Glen Kaatz to the Board of Directors
The Forum is happy to announce two additions to its Board of Directors: Brian Digman, Chief Information Officer for the State of New York University Administration (SUNY) and Glen Kaatz, Chief Information Officer, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
Brian Digman, Chief Information Officer for the State of New York University Administration (SUNY) is responsible for system-wide technology development and support. His portfolio includes SUNY’s transformational Online initiative, which will use technology to scale SUNY’s high-quality programs through a system-wide, seamless, and digital student experience. Brian joined SUNY in September 2018 following a 30-year career of progressively responsible leadership roles focused on transforming the business of government. As Chief Information Officer for the State of New York he was responsible for restructuring technology platforms, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in operational efficiencies while simultaneously delivering on major State policy goals ranging from economic development and public safety to the environment and social services.
Glen Kaatz, Chief Information Officer, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is responsible for all facets of Information Technology operations including the data center, desktop hardware and software support and enterprise software development.