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The NYS Forum Albany ITCR Meeting - June 2021 Session
Thursday, June 03, 2021, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
Category: ITCR Meetings

The NYS Forum Albany ITCR Meeting - June 2021

June 3, 2021
8:30 am - 10:00 am

Guest Presenter:
Joe Martens - Director of the New York Offshore Wind Alliance

Click here to register In-Person (Cap limit of 15 attendees)

Click here to register for Webex


Joe Martens - Director of the New York Offshore Wind Alliance

Joe Martens is the Director of the New York Offshore Wind Alliance, a coalition of business, labor and environmental organizations committed to promoting the development of offshore wind energy off New York’s coast.  Prior to that he was a Senior Fellow at the Open Space Institute, a regional land conservation organization that has protected thousands of acres of land from Maine to Georgia.  He served as Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation from March 2011 to July 2015. Mr. Martens led the agency in implementing its core statutory mission to protect public health and the environment. He guided the Administration’s efforts to protect and expand access to the state’s open spaces, boost environmental funding programs, and launch numerous initiatives to protect drinking water, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gasses.  

From 1998 through 2010, Commissioner Martens served as President of the Open Space Institute, directing and overseeing land acquisition.  He served as OSI’s Executive Vice President from 1995 through 1998.  Mr. Martens served Governor Mario Cuomo as Deputy Secretary for Energy and the Environment from 1992-94 and as Assistant Secretary from 1990-92. He was Chair of the Board of the Olympic Regional Development Authority, Chair of the Environmental Facilities Corporation and sat on the board of the Energy Research and Development Authority. Mr. Martens studied resource economics at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and received an M.S. in Resource Management from the State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse University.



Entering the building:

You may park in the front or back of building, but you must enter through street facing entranceway only.  You may exit through this doorway as well.

All attendees must be wearing face coverings at all times while inside the building.  Upon entering you will be instructed to wait behind the yellow lines marked 6 feet apart on the floor as we screen each attendee with the following questions.  We ask that you answer them honestly and to the best of your knowledge to help NYS Forum prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  1. Have you had any known close contact with a person confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19 in the past 14 days? 
  2. Are you currently experiencing ANY of the following symptoms? Cough (new or worsening), Shortness of Breath (new or worsening), Troubled Breathing (new or worsening), Fever, Chills, Muscle Pain (new or worsening), Headache (new or worsening), Sore Throat (new or worsening), New Loss of Taste or Smell
  3. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 through a diagnostic test in the past 14 days?
  4. Have you traveled within a state that does not border New York, or a CDC level 2 or 3 Travel Advisory country, for longer than 24 hours within the past 14 days?

*****If you answered yes to any of these questions you will not be permitted to enter and be instructed to leave.*****

Upon entering The NYS Forum, face coverings are required at all times.  Follow the floor markings to the large conference room and find a seat.  Chairs are strategically set six feet apart, please do not move them.  All other rooms (offices, kitchen) will be closed and inaccessible.

  • We ask that you put your coat on the back of your chair and do not use the coat rack. 
  • There will be hand sanitizer stations throughout office space.
  • There will be no food or drink available and the kitchen will be closed. You are welcome to bring their own coffee, water or other beverages
  • To use the bathroom, follow the floor markings in the meeting room to exit to the hallway and turn right and immediate left and follow the hallway to the bathrooms.  Upon leaving the bathrooms to return to your meeting, please turn right and follow the hallway to the main entranceway of The New York State Forum and enter through these doors and follow the floor markings back to your seat.  Bathroom code is 2439

Exiting the building:

Follow the floor markings in the office to exit the conference room directly to the hallway and turn right out of the doorway and quickly turn left to exit the stairwell by the bathrooms.  Exit through the doorway you entered from.