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Data Analytics Workgroup Meeting - April 2021
Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Category: Albany Workgroup Meeting

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The NYC Recovery Data Partnership is a program for community, non-profit, and private organizations to share data with the City of New York to aid in Covid-19 response and recovery efforts. In this talk, Martha Norrick and Oliver Bjornsson from the NYC Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics will discuss how the partnership was created, the partnership’s approach to data governance, and how the data has been used by City agencies.

Martha Norrick is the Acting Chief Analytics Officer and Chief Open Platform Officer for the City of New York and Director of the Mayor's Office of Data Analytics (MODA). Martha previously served as the Director of Data Strategy at the Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity, and as a director in the Office of Management Analysis and Planning at the NYPD.

Oliver Bjornsson is a Policy Analyst at the Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics, where he supports MODA’s external affairs portfolio and strategic initiatives including the Recovery Data Partnership. Before coming to MODA, Oliver worked in communications at the City of Austin’s Corridor Program Office.